Friday, December 20, 2013

Postfix Roundcube to Zimbra


Mekanisme Migrasi Email
1. Melakukan reset password kesemua email di Mail Server lama
2. Melakukan sinkronisasi email, dari mail server lama ke mail server baru. Dimana tools yang digunakan memerlukan password email lama dan password email yang baru


A. Instalasi Server Baru
1. Install Centos 6.4 64bit
2. Install Zimbra 8.0
3. Konfigurasi Zimbra dengan domain
4. Masukkan domain lain yaitu dan rovega,net

B. Restore Nama Account Server Lama ke Server Baru
1. Copy file /etc/passwd dan /etc/shadow server lama ke server baru dan ke PC Desktop Administrator

2. Pengambilan data account email lama dari file /etc/passwd
- Buka file /etc/passwd di excel.
- Pisahkan domain testdomain dengan domain lain dengan cara menghapus tulisan testdomain
- Simpan file passwd.testdomain
- Kirim file tersebut ke server baru.

3. Jalankan script passwd2zmprov. Script ini akan mengambil data dari file passwd.testdomain dan mengisikannya dengan attribut lain agar bisa dimasukkan ke account zimbra yang baru

[root@mail script]# perl passwd2zmprov -domain passwd.testdomain > testdomain.zmp

Contoh file /etc/passwd
anton.prasetyo.testdomain:x:2165:1002:Anton Prasetyo:/home/testdomain/homes/anton.prasetyo:/dev/null
ryansetiawan.swhmedan.testdomain:x:2167:1002:Ryan Agus Setiawan:/home/testdomain/homes/ryansetiawan.swhmedan:/dev/null

Contoh file passwd.testdomain :
anton.prasetyo:x:2165:1002:Anton Prasetyo:/home/testdomain/homes/anton.prasetyo:/dev/null
ryansetiawan.swhmedan:x:2167:1002:Ryan Agus Setiawan:/home/testdomain/homes/ryansetiawan.swhmedan:/dev/null

Contoh file testdomain.zmp
ca "" "" givenName "Anton" sn "Prasetyo" cn "anton.prasetyo" displayName "Anton Prasetyo" zimbraNotes "Migrated Wed Oct 23 11:25:55 2013" zimbraPasswordMustChange FALSE
ca "" "" givenName "Ryan" sn "Setiawan" cn "ryansetiawan.swhmedan" displayName "Ryan Agus Setiawan" zimbraNotes "Migrated Wed Oct 23 11:25:55 2013" zimbraPasswordMustChange FALSE

4. Buat account baru di server baru menggunakan file testdomain.zmp. Penggunaan command zmprov harus menggunakan user zimbra
[zimbra@mail script]$ zmprov -f
Account akan langsung otomatis terbuat dengan domain

5. Merestore password lama ke server zimbra yang baru.
- Edit file /etc/shadow. Pisahkan
- Jalankan script
[root@mail script]# ./ /etc/shadow > atau
[root@mail script]# ./ shadow.testdomain >
[root@mail script]# chmod 755 atau
[root@mail script]# chmod 755
[root@mail script]# su zimbra
[zimbra@mail script]$ ./ atau
[zimbra@mail script]$ ./

Contoh file passwd .zm
zmprov ma userPassword '{crypt}$6$40186242$89MpB6dPuCOY8XssTdyj9xE78QIU0sDRV5qFfsc7gdgeBrwjvuJ8HA1bU/sWK9MoFKFS5v4tDf/YF1ZmxUuc0/'

C. Restore Mailbox Account Server Lama ke Server Baru

1. Siapkan user dan password setiap account di Server lama dan Server baru.
2. Jalankan script di Server lama

[root@mail1:~]# imapsync --host1 localhost --user1 anton.prasetyo.testdomain --password1 xxxx --authmech1 PLAIN --host2 --user2 --password2 xxxx --authmech2 PLAIN --ssl2 --allowsizemismatch –-nofoldersizes --skipsize –-fast

script =========================================================
# Usage: as root   # ./ /etc/shadow >
#        as zimbra # zmprov <


while(<>) {
    my ($uname,$pass) = split(/:/);

    print qq{zmprov ma $uname\@$domain userPassword '{crypt}$pass'\n};
    print qq{\n};

script =======================================================

# $Id: passwd2zmprov,v 1.2 2008/03/05 05:01:29 phil Exp $

=head1 NAME

passwd2zmprov - create zmprov commands from a passwd file


  usage: passwd2zmprov [options] [[passwd_file] ...] > commands.zmp
     -help   show a brief help message
     -man    show the full documentation

     -domain      [REQUIRED]
     -cosid       [default "Default COS"]
     -password  [default ""]

  Getting a COS id:
    zimbra$ zmprov gc  | grep ^zimbraId:

  Example converting CSV to zmprov commands:
    $ ./passwd2zmprov -domain example.moc /etc/passwd > commands.zmp

  Example provisioning ZCS accounts as 'zimbra' user:
    zimbra$ zmprov -f commands.zmp


Tool to create commands suitable for zmprov from a UNIX passwd file.
We don't use getpwent etc., because we are likely working on a copy
and not running as root.

See Also:


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);

my $prog = basename($0);
my ( @err, %option );

GetOptions( \%option, 'help|?', 'man', 'domain=s', 'cosid=s', 'password=s' )
  or pod2usage( -verbose => 0 );

pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if $option{help};
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $option{man};

push( @err, "-domain  is required" )
  unless $option{domain};

pod2usage( -verbose => 0, -message => map( "$prog: $_\n", @err ) )
  if @err;

warn("$prog: using Default COS\n") unless $option{cos_id};
warn("$prog: reading passwd like entries from STDIN\n") unless @ARGV;

my $date     = localtime;
my $cosid    = $option{cosid};
my $domain   = $option{domain};
my $password = defined $option{password} ? $option{password} : "";
my $MIN_UID = 500;      # skip system accounts like httpd
my $MAX_UID = 60000;    # skip other system accounts like nfsnobody

# sanitize password
$password =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;

while (<>) {
    next if /^\s*$/;    # skip empty lines

    my ( $uname, $x, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $shell ) = split( /:/, $_, 7 );

    if ( $uid < $MIN_UID or $uid > $MAX_UID ) {
        warn("$prog: skip $uname: $uid not between $MIN_UID and $MAX_UID\n");

    # assuming gecos format is First [[MI] [Last]], sanitize a little
    $gecos =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;

    my ( $fullname, $description ) = split( /\s*,\s*/, $gecos, 2 );
    my ( $fname, $mname, $lname ) = split( " ", $fullname, 3 );
    unless ( defined($lname) ) {
        $lname = $mname;
    my $displayname = $fname
      . ( defined($mname) ? " $mname" : "" )
      . ( defined($lname) ? " $lname" : "" );

        qq{ca "$uname\@$domain" "$password"},
        ( defined($cosid)       ? qq{ zimbraCOSid "$cosid"}       : () ),
        ( defined($fname)       ? qq{ givenName "$fname"}         : () ),
        ( defined($lname)       ? qq{ sn "$lname"}                : () ),
        ( defined($uname)       ? qq{ cn "$uname"}                : () ),
        ( defined($displayname) ? qq{ displayName "$displayname"} : () ),
        ( defined($description) ? qq{ description "$description"} : () ),
        qq{ zimbraNotes "Migrated $date"},
        qq{ zimbraPasswordMustChange TRUE},

=head1 HISTORY

 2007/01/23, Version 1.0/1.1 Dlbewley
 2008/03/04, Version 1.2 Plobbes

D. Menampilkan List Address Book di semua Domain

su -l zimbra -c "zmprov mcf zimbraGalInternalSearchBase ROOT"

#Keane-Somewhere Only We Know

"Somewhere Only We Know"

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go?
So why don't we go?

 This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know? 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Alternatif Remote TeamViewer

Siapa yang tidak tahu dengan Teamviewer.
Sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk me-remote dari PC ke PC lain. Yang saya suka dari Teamviewer adalah kemampuannya untuk digunakan dibalik NAT.
Selama PC terhubung ke internet maka Teamviewer akan bisa berjalan.
Cara kerja Teamviewer adalah client yang melakukan koneksi via internet ke sebuah server Teamviewer. Client akan mendapatkan ID dan password yang unik dari server Teamviewer.

Jika kita akan melakukan remote ke PC lain, maka kita perlu masukkan ID dan password lawan.

Permasalahannya adalah kita tidak tahu alamat IP public yang dituju oleh Teamviewer. Sehingga jika kita menggunakan firewall untuk menutup akses ke beberapa PC untuk koneksi terbatas ke internet akan mengalami masalah, dimana PC tidak dapat terhubung ke Teamviewer.

NeoRouter adalah aplikasi alternatif pengganti Teamviewer. Tetapi yang dimaksud pengganti disini lebih ke arah proses koneksi jaringan. Dimana PC yang terhubung dengan Neo Router akan menjadi vpn client.

Aplikasi remote sendiri membutuhkan aplikasi tambahan yaitu TightVNC

Untuk membuat jaringan NeoRouter membutuhkan Neo Router Server dan Neo Router Client.

Source dapat diambil di

Testing di tempat saya.

NeoRouter Server
- Centos 5
- Aplikasi NeoRouter Server  : nrserver-
- Source :

NeoRouter Client
- Windows Home Basic
- Aplikasi : NeoRouter-
- Source :

Mobile Device Deployment - CISSP (Domain 3)

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