Monday, October 05, 2015

Zimbra Tips : Copy account zimbra lama ke user zimbra baru

1. Menggunakan console di server
su – zimbra
zmmailbox -z -m getRestURL “//?fmt=tgz” > /tmp/v.tar.gz
zmmailbox -z -m postRestURL “//?fmt=tgz&resolve=reset” /tmp/v.tar.gz
2. Menggunakan Browser
Source Account:
In Zimbra Webmail:
  • click on the Preferences Tab, and select Import/Export in the left menu to open the Import/Export page.
  • Under Export, leave "Account" selected to export mail messages, then either leave "All Folders" selected or click there and and select the folder you'd like to export.
  • Click on Export. You will be prompted by your computer Archive software to either open the resulting file or save it to your computer. Select Save and select a location to save it on your computer.
Destination Account:
In Zimbra Webmail:
  • click on the Preferences Tab, and select Import/Export in the left menu to open the Import/Export page.
  • Under Import, select the file to import from your computer.
  • Select the destination folder.
  • Click on Import.

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